The Hidden Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

December 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 4:08 pm
A woman undergoing nitrous oxide sedation

You may have heard of the term sedation dentistry before. Sedation dentistry is more than just a concept, it’s a useful branch of dentistry that can help patients who are anxious or afraid relax during their dental appointment. But while it’s extremely effective in allowing you to relax, sedation dentistry has a few other awesome benefits that you may not have known about.


How Meal Prepping Can Help Ease the Adjustment Period for Braces

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 3:18 pm
A woman with sore teeth from braces

You live in a delivery app society, where nearly any food or drink can be delivered to your location practically round the clock. But while it’s nice to have food options on the fly, when it comes to your new braces, some advanced meal planning can make the first week a lot easier.

Here are a few tips for preparing your diet for the initial days of orthodontic treatment, so you’re never left struggling to find foods that won’t hurt your mouth and can be easily chewed while you’re still getting adjusted!
