Sachse Family Dentistry at Woodbridge Blog

What Kind of Candy Does Your Dentist in Sachse Give Out on Halloween?

October 11, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 4:47 pm

Halloween candy and decorations.Halloween is an exciting time filled with ghosts, goblins, and treats! It’s also a time for tooth decay, cavities, and fractures for your teeth if you’re not careful. Your dentist in Sachse has some advice on which goodies cause more problems and how to enjoy this Halloween season while avoiding damage to your teeth.


Terrific Toothbrush Timeline From a Local Sachse Dentist

September 18, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 9:11 pm

colorful toothbrushes Oral hygiene has always been an important part of maintaining overall health even throughout history. For literally thousands of years, humans have found ways to keep their teeth and mouths clean. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), “early forms of the toothbrush have existed for nearly 5,000 years.”

Can you even imagine what the first toothbrush probably looked like? Your Sachse dentist is here to take a walk back through time to explore the evolution of the toothbrush.


Visit Your Dentist in Sachse for Oral Cancer Screenings

August 31, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 7:53 pm

oral cancer ribbonIn 2016, it was predicted that nearly 50,000 people would be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer. Oral cancer might not be the most common cancer, but you should never assume that you won’t be a victim. It is important to be aware of what oral cancer is and how you and your dentist in Sachse can work together to detect it early and stop it from becoming a devastating problem.


What to do if you have a Dental Emergency in Sachse, TX

July 24, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:11 pm

Here are tips on what to do if you have a dental emergency in Sachse, TX.There are two things you can rely on when it comes to dental emergencies: 1) They never happen at a convenient time. 2) They might feel overwhelming, and even frightening. The good news is that with the right team on your side, you can trust that everything will be all right. Dr. Travis Rottman and his team at Sachse Family Dentistry are here to help! We’re happy to provide you with instruction over the phone, or see you the same day if necessary. Meanwhile, your situation won’t feel as stressful if you understand how to handle a dental emergency, so here are a few helpful tips.


Tips and Tricks from Your Sachse Dentist to Optimize Health

June 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 11:13 pm

Your dentist in Sachse practices preventive dentistry. Hopefully, your parents instilled a solid dental routine in your lifestyle from the time you were young. But over the years, many patients tend to fall off track and only brush their teeth twice a day—if that—and completely forget about flossing! Those habits aren’t good dental hygiene habits, let alone trying to reach your optimal oral health. In order to get your smile back up to its optimal level of health, follow these tips from your Sachse dentist. You and your smile will be thanking Sachse Family Dentistry in the long run!


Your Dentist in Sachse Says Oral Health is Important

May 9, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 11:29 pm

Your dentist in Sachse performs complete oral exams.Have you ever played dominoes? Most of us have, and you’ve probably lined up those wooden rectangles so they topple into each other. It’s a fun thing for kids and adults, too. Unfortunately, those cascading dominoes picture what happens to our health when we don’t care for our teeth and gums. So, Dr. Travis Rottman, dentist in Sachse, urges you to routinely care for your oral health at home and his office so you have a healthy mouth and a totally healthy you.



The Benefits of Dental Implants in Sachse Over Other Treatments

April 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:39 pm

Learn more about the benefits of dental implants in Sachse over other treatments. You’re at your favorite restaurant and you’re frustrated. You can’t order your go-to meal because of your missing tooth. It’s really embarrassing as you struggle to chew and you don’t want your family to see. Sadly, you resort to the soup of the day, which seems rather unsatisfying. This is a daily consideration for someone living with a missing tooth. Eating, talking, and smiling becomes difficult and embarrassing, however there are solutions that will restore your tooth and your oral health. Let’s look at the benefits of dental implants in Sachse.


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